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Chelsi Whitely
Hi so I have no clue how to do part four of the homework. I'm completely lost at how to even use this R-studio. :)
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Re: R-Studio

Darth Knight
Don't worry to much about it, Chelsi.
You just need some time to get used to the interface.

First, did you mean part II or the question #4 of part II?
Because there is no part four in the HW.

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Re: R-Studio

Chelsi Whitely
Whoops! I meant Part 2: Introduction to R-Studio. I have it downloaded, but after that I don't know where to start.
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Re: R-Studio

Darth Knight
Sounds good.
Now, open http://people.stat.sc.edu/taeho/teaching/lab/intro_to_r.html and read through the guidance.
This material will give you a brief introduction to RStudio.
You can always copy and paste the codes in the text-boxes into your RStudio to see what is going on there.
After following the exercises in the webpage, you can answer the questions 1-3 in part II easily.
For Question #4, you might need to think about it for a while and take a look at the Reference.

So, try those and let me know how it goes!
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Re: R-Studio

Chelsi Whitely
Yes I did that, but do I copy and paste this whole part: source("http://people.stat.sc.edu/taeho/teaching/lab/arbuthnot.R") or do I just do the weblink? This is where I am the most confused because nothing is showing the next part that I am supposed to see which is this: "You should see that the workspace area in the upper righthand corner of the RStudio window now lists a data set called arbuthnot that has 82 observations on 3 variables." I can only see the R-console area in my R-studio.
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Re: R-Studio

Darth Knight

The above thing is the one you first need to paste in the left-hand side of RStudio interface.
If you carefully look at it in the webpage, you can see a box that surrounds the command.
Whenever you have this box, you could copy and paste into RStudio.
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Re: R-Studio

Chelsi Whitely
I did that but nothing is happening...... there is no box in R-studio. I need to see it in person or something. This is very frustrating.
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Re: R-Studio

Taeho Kim
Please briefly stop by my office at LeConte 209E.
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Re: R-Studio

Taeho Kim
The issue was in the installation part.

Don't forget to install RStudio along with R.
If you only install R, then the nice interface of RStudio will not appear.