HW 5 question #4

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HW 5 question #4

when finding the point estimate for this one, is it simply just mean(infant) in Rstudio? or is it the 100 that comes from the problem?
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Re: HW 5 question #4

Taeho Kim
Hi yasmine,

The point estimate is solely based on the information in our sample.
Therefore, the command "mean(infant)" is the right procedure we need to use.
The additional information "100" will be used to evaluate the calculated confidence interval.

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Re: HW 5 question #4

ok so i'm still not quite understanding. the point estimate is whatever value I get for mean(infant), and then when calculating the confidence interval the point estimate part that comes before the cut off times the standard error is also the mean(infant) or are you saying they're different?
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Re: HW 5 question #4

nevermind! i think I get it now!
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Re: HW 5 question #4

Taeho Kim
Those are the same thing.
The point estimate (or the sample mean) will always be the center value of our confidence interval.